Letter from the Principal 16.12.21

Thu 16 Dec 2021
16 December 2021
Dear Parents & Carers,
I wanted to write to you, as we break for Christmas, to thank you for your continued support over this last term.
As you know, times continue to be very challenging for our young people, families and schools. I know that there has been some disruption to students’ education in recent weeks and I am grateful that we can continue to work in partnership in supporting students.
Our students, your children, continue to show such incredible resilience and determination to succeed despite the restrictions put on them by the guidance that we all have to follow. There have been some incredible moments to celebrate since we came back in September and I look forward to a time when we can open up our doors again and enjoy celebrating student achievements with you.
When we return in January 2022, students across different year groups will have a staggered start to the term to allow testing to take place; this information has previously been shared with you but you can access the letter and testing schedule via https://www.shafton.outwood.com/posts/2462
Many thanks for your ongoing support; I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and peaceful Christmas. 
Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen