
We believe reading unlocks our curriculum, opens a treasure trove of adventures and information and provides an invaluable life skill. Our academy library is viewed as a Learning Resource Centre. Our friendly helpful Learning Resource Centre managers ensure that our library is a vibrant, welcoming space with well stocked shelves, computer access and a quiet place to study. Across each term our library runs exciting promotions and seasonal events to share the joy of reading and advertise what’s new. 
A variety of different reading programmes operate within our academy to support our students’ love of reading and reading fluency. We provide a phased approach to reading that encourages reading at every level. The Lexonik Leap phonics programme supports emergent readers allowing us to assess current reading needs and create a personalised reading programme, specifically designed and tailored for individual needs from Year 7 onwards, whilst the Rapid readers programme support some of our emerging readers to support with reading fluency and engagement for reluctant readers. 
Accelerated Reader is used by all students in Key Stage 3 and aims to develop a lifelong love of reading, motivating students to read more challenging books and most importantly raising literacy aspirations and standards for students of all ages and abilities, benefiting them not only in English but also across our curriculum. With a greater emphasis on literacy across all subjects, Accelerated Reader is a vital part of our curriculum to develop not only reading skills but also students’ range of vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Our Literacy Policy also includes a whole school approach to targeted vocabulary instruction to develop an in depth and transferable understanding of the profile of words based upon the root, stems, prefixes and suffixes of them.  In class, subjects also plan activities that encourage students to read for information with the ‘I Do, We Do, You Do' approach being used to model how our students can use reading to aid learning more independently.
Our academy and departments strive to raise the profile of reading in our students and focus on the importance of subject vocabulary within their delivery to develop content knowledge and aid reading in lessons. Our academy also provides opportunities to encourage older students to read with younger students and to provide opportunities to discuss what they are reading and encourages parents and carers to read with their children at home.