RSE & Health Education

Wed 09 Feb 2022
8 February 2022
Dear Parents and Carers, 
As a part of your child’s education at Outwood Academy Shafton, we promote personal well-being and development through a comprehensive Life education programme. The Life curriculum which encompasses RSE, Health education, Citizenship and Religious Education is the personal development area that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. 
I am writing to let you know that your child’s class will be taking part in lessons focusing on the relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect of this programme. RSE lessons in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will include teaching about healthy relationships, including friendships and intimate relationships; families; growing and changing, including puberty; personal hygiene; changing feelings; becoming more independent; keeping safe and consent; developing self-esteem and confidence. Students will also have opportunities to ask questions that help prepare them for relationships of all kinds in the modern world.
RSE and Health education is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly. As a school community, we are committed to working in partnership with parents;  parental feedback has indicated that the overwhelming majority of parents continue to be highly supportive of the relationships and sex education programme. If you would like to find out more or discuss any concerns, please contact Mrs Riley at the email address below 
Yours sincerely, 

S. Riley
Personal Development Lead for Life