Letter to Parents 15 December 2022

Thu 15 Dec 2022
Dear Parents & Carers,
I wanted to write to you, as we break for Christmas, to thank you for your continued support over this last term.
Our students, your children, continue to show such incredible resilience and determination to succeed. There have been some incredible moments to celebrate since we came back in September and it has been an absolute joy to open up our academy doors to welcome in our community; most recently for our Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch and our Christmas Performance.
We were overwhelmed with the number of Year 11 families that joined us for our recent November Assessment celebration evening and it was great to see staff and families having those important learning conversations.
Year 7 students made a fabulous start to their secondary journey; they have engaged brilliantly with our ACE Programme and celebrations have taken place to recognise this.
Our students with the most praise points have enjoyed in-academy treats this week and chose their own reward whether that was rock climbing, a cinema experience in our Lecture Theatre or a hot chocolate. 
We continue to celebrate and showcase the #ProudThursday work of our students each week and enjoy sharing that with our community on our social media pages.
There have been some changes to the academy uniform which come into effect from 3 January 2023. Please read this uniform information carefully.
Many thanks for your ongoing support; I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and peaceful Christmas. 
Yours faithfully, 
Alison McQueen