Letter to Parents: 26 May 2023

Fri 26 May 2023
Dear Parent and Carer,
I wanted to let you know that our students, your children, made us exceptionally proud every day, especially our Y11 students and the way that they have conducted themselves through the first few weeks of this exam period. 

We continue to focus on praise and kindness. Students have undertaken a considerable amount of work to train as anti-bullying ambassadors.  We are registered with the Anti-Bullying Alliance on their “United Against Bullying” national project and students have started to work on implementing the knowledge that they have gained through their training.

Given the recent warm weather, students have been able to remove blazers this week; we will be expecting all students to be in their full uniform when we return after the half term break. You can read our uniform policy in full on our website. I must draw your attention, in particular, to school skirts and whilst these do not need to have the Outwood logo, they must be made from a material other than jersey/lycra, please see the attached document for further clarity.  We will be checking uniforms as our students arrive back after May half term to ensure we continue to maintain standards.

We would ask that students continue to be mindful of the community we serve and conduct themselves in a way that does not compromise our community culture. South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue have shared a letter this week focussed on being safe around open water, you can access that letter here. Further information and advice on water safety can be found on the Royal Life Saving Society website.

Our academy is a community where all members have equal value and worth. We always encourage our students to contribute actively in shaping the educational experience they and their fellow students receive. Any student in any classroom in any year, has a voice that should be heard and our Student Voice programme facilitates this in our academy.  Student Voice sits at the heart of our academy. 

We have auditions for ‘Shafton Shines’ on Thursday 15 June from 2:30 and we are excited to see the hidden talents of students when they perform on 29 June – we hope to see you there!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully, 

Alison McQueen