Year 7 Group Changes

Fri 08 Apr 2022
8 April 2022
Dear Parent/ Carer,
At Outwood Academy Shafton we try our best to ensure that each student is taught within a group where teachers can build on the strengths of individuals and help all students to achieve at their highest level.
Students learn and achieve at different levels at different times in their school career. We believe that they work best when they are grouped in a way that enables them to be supported. Therefore we have decided to regroup Year 7 forms to ensure they get the best possible start for their final term as Year 7 and to support them getting ready for Y8.
We intend to make this change from Monday 25th April 2022. As students arrive at the academy, they will be organised into their new forms and given their new timetables.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns about group changes.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Jeffries
Assistant Principal